

“Points of Support” Program – Small Grants, Big Ideas Open Call for the 8th Round

10 Public Benefit Foundations work together to support small Civil Society organisations

10 Public Benefit Foundations in Greece join forces once again to support Civil Society and announce an Open Call for participation in the 8th funding round of the “Points of Support” Program.

The “Points of Support” program is addressed at small Civil Society organisations in Greece, which it supports in implementing original projects of small scale and maximum social impact, in strengthening their structures, and in developing capacities that contribute to their sustainability. The Program has been coordinated by the Bodossaki Foundation since 2022.

Taking part in the latest round of the program, which began in 2015 and has funded 191 projects with more than 104,000 beneficiaries, are the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, the TIMA Charitable Foundation, the Bodossaki Foundation, the Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation, the A. G. Leventis Foundation, the A. C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation, the Costas M. Lemos Foundation, the Hellenic Initiative Canada, the Athina I. Martinou Foundation, and the Helidoni Foundation.

Under the 8th round of the program, a maximum of 33 projects will receive funding of ten thousand euro (10,000€) each; eligible projects will have a duration of up to 8 months and come under one of the following areas, which have been defined by the Program’s sponsors:

Ι.     Social Integration of People with Disabilities (John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation)

ΙΙ.   Support for the Elderly (TIMA Charitable Foundation)

ΙΙΙ.  Children and Health (Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation)

IV.  Alleviation of Poverty and the Food Crisis (The Hellenic Initiative Canada)

V.    Environmental Protection:

  1. Protection of the Flora and Fauna in the Urban and Peri-urban Environment (A. G. Leventis Foundation)
  2. Protection of Aquatic Ecosystems: Lakes, Rivers and Wetlands (A. C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation)
  3. Protection of Forest and Other Terrestrial Ecosystems (Costas M. Lemos Foundation)

VI.   Social Innovation in Small Seaside Local Communities (Athina I. Martinou Foundation)

VII.  Sustainable Cities and Communities (Helidoni Fοundation)

Eligible organizations are those that meet the following, general conditions (for more information, please see the Terms and Conditions for Participation in the Program):

  1. Are non-profit legal entities of private law, registered in Greece and, more specifically: a) Civil Society Organisations, as defined by Law 4873/2021, i.e.  associations or civil non-profit companies of a charitable nature, or b) Public Benefit Foundations, pursuant to Law 4182/2013, or c) or Social Cooperative Enterprises pursuant to article 14 of Law 4430/2016, as applicable.
  2. Have gross annual revenue from all sources (taxable – untaxable) up to 80,000 euro during the tax year 2024, as verified by any appropriate accounting document (e.g., balance sheet, review, capital account). Excepted from the above are social care organisations for the elderly, such as, for example, nursing homes, day care centres, etc. For organisations of this type, there is no restriction on revenue.
  3. Have completed at least one (1) year from their incorporation and attainment of legal status in Greece at the time of announcement of the open call (i.e., for the eight (8th) round, the latest date of incorporation is February 10, 2024).
  4. Do not belong to the State or local government organizations, are not legal entities of public law or legal entities of the broader public sector, as the latter is defined by the applicable legal provisions in force, and, in general, do not come under the jurisdiction or supervision of the State, and their activity is not of a religious, political, or syndicalist/professional nature.

Alongside the funding, the Program also includes free participation for the organisations in capacity building activities, which will be funded and implemented by the Bodossaki Foundation, through Social Dynamo,  its NGO hub.

Applications may be submitted up until April 30, 2025 (until 15:00). The results will be announced in July 2025.

Applications may only be submitted electronically through the Bodossaki Foundation Programmes Portal.

The program launch event will be held on Wednesday, February 26, at 14:00, at the Benaki Museum Amphiteatre. Click here to register.

The event will be followed by an application preparation workshop, for which separate registrations are taken here.

The workshop will also be offered online; you may register to take part by selecting the date that corresponds to your location, here.

Please navigate to the Downloads section on the right-hand side of the page to access the consent form, the terms and conditions of participation in the program, a sample application, and the Budget Sheet.

Information on personal data processing as it relates to the program is available here.

For clarifications regarding their participation in the Program, interested organisations may contact the Bodossaki Foundation, as the Program’s Coordinator, at the email address:

Questions will only be answered in writing and may be submitted up to April 14, 2025 at the latest, at the email address above.

Questions with regards to filling in the application may be submitted through the Bodossaki Foundation Programmes Portal, in the section “Contact a Programme representative”, once the Organisation has created an account for the Portal.

