

50plus Hellas: Creation of the First Platform for Caregiver Training

50plus Hellas, through a grant of the TIMA Charitable Foundation, developed the first freely accessible platform for caregiver training. The platform contains detailed information that is essential for caregivers of elderly persons, mostly in visual format such as videos, but also academic articles as well. The material has been categorized by geographical area, subject (e.g. by health issue), language, duration, type of material, and so on. The creation of the platform is unique as publicly available online courses that have been produced in Greece and Cyprus and were on many disparate websites were merged for the first time into a single online platform. The platform’s development is particularly significant as the burden on caregivers in Greece is high given that 80-90% of home care is provided by informal, untrained caregivers, such as relatives, for instance, that oftentimes do not know how to properly care for the elderly person in need. Having access to information in care provision is of key importance in order to result in a reduction in the “burden of care” and a better quality of life for older people and their caregivers.



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